Sunday, May 20, 2012

Letter Y

The students got very creative using yellow yarn during our letter review.

Force and Motion

During our unit we measured parts of our bodies and discussed how they moved.

The students drew zigzagged zebra stripes on their letter Zs.  We brainstormed all the ways our Zs could move...
zip, zigzag, zoom, buzz, zap...

We explored magnets and were even able to feel
the magnetic force push and pull!

We made predictions on which surface our cars would travel best:  tile, concrete, grass, or carpet. 

Here we are experimenting...

We found that our car traveled best on tile because there is less friction.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome to our class!

We would also like to welcome Tre' to our morning class!   We are glad to have you join us, Tre'! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I would like to welcome our new student, Natalie, into our morning classroom!  We are so happy to have you join us! :)

Lucky Leprechauns

We used our story can to help us retell St. Patrick's Day stories. 
(We had a lot of fun reading about tricky leprechauns!)


Our afternoon class had some extra time to play Roll a Leprechaun.

That silly leprechaun played a lot of tricks on us! 
He made a mess of the room and even mixed up our books! 


Here are some of the awesome Leprechaun Traps our classes created! 
I was so impressed with the amount of creativity the children showed and how detailed they were in their
explainations when they shared and set up their traps!

Although we tried hard, we didn't catch the leprechuan this year.  (We think he escaped through the window.)  However, he did leave us yummy treats and even a good luck charm!
Maybe we'll be luckier next year...